Thursday, December 18, 2003

The Semester is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway - all us TAs got together for one last dinner with our professor (who is actually very nice about feeding us once a month). Well, the conversation turned to failing inner city schools, which our area has a lot of. Guess whose fault it was?

George W. Bush. Of course. Everyone at that table had lots to say abou that (expletive) Bush who is responsible, with his "racist policies and anti-education initiatives", for all that is wrong with public education.

Never mind that many of these schools have been failing since before Nixon was president. If Gore were president, either all the problems would have vanished, or they would blame the republicans in Congress, I guess.

This is another example of how their extremism pushes me farther to the right. I personally do not like the No Child Left Behind Act. I can't blame Bush for all that is wrong with America.

It seems Liberals have lost all sense of history. Everything that is wrong with America now is entirely the result of Bush. (Or Shrub as many refer to him. I bet if I referred to Gore as "bloody guts" they would call me a bigot).

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