Thursday, November 20, 2003

Well, has found this blog. Cool. I enjoy Erin's blog immensely (I've linked to it before - see entries below), so it's nice to see someone out there has alerted Erin to my presence on the web.

As for the comment about being unable to check the accuracy of what I have written - well, I am being somewhat anonymous (though if you really want to find out who I am, it isn't that hard) because I am afraid that if this blog is discovered by my professors, AND they figure out it is me, my grades will drop and my position in the program may suffer. I'm married with kids - I need to get my degree over with soon so I can get a job.

This blog is mainly so I have an outlet to blow off steam. Perhaps in my frustration I exaggerate slightly, but I am not making any of this up. It all has happened, and to me.

As for my year in school - I'm actually on my first year for the PhD, but I already earned an MA at another college before coming to where I am currently.

There are some conservative members of the faculty, but they aren't in control by a long shot.

News item of the day: My professor I TA for was declaring that the English department doesn't get enough funding because the administration (and the legislature - this is a public University) is afraid we are all a bunch of "pinko commies." Another student asked "Well, aren't we?" And the professor replied, without a trace of irony or humor: "I certainly hope so."

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