Friday, February 27, 2004

Some people have questioned why I post semi-anonymously. Well - if you want to find out who I am, it ain't hard at all. But check out this tale and then see why I am a bit worried.

I am not attending SF State, and Tatiana Menaker made some ill-advised public comments I admit - comments I avoid making by staying out of the spotlight. We all deal with it in whatever ways we can.

Still, this story should bother conservatives. And liberals actually. But it won't bother liberals and I will tell you why in my next post.

I have a family and kids to support, so getting a PhD and getting a job is my first concern. I can worry about whether I am a hypocrite because I don't speak out enough after I have tenure. If I don't get expelled just for being a conservative. Which may happen. As I said - read the story and be worried.

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